Sometimes I
get so caught up with observing life that I forget to take part...Sort of like missing the cue in a play.
I watch as my acquaintances/family/friends have babies, get new jobs, go travelling, get married and so on.. They post their news in words and pictures on social media and I'm pleased for them - it's lovely to see people fulfilled & happy in their lives!
I watch the comments appear on the posts:
"Congrats babes"
"Omg so cute!"
"Have fun! Missing you already!"
I become engrossed in the love and well wishes being sent to these people who have reached a milestone and it warms my heart.
But I don't write a comment to them. I exit the post and move on.
It's not because I don't care, it's not because I'm not brimming with joy for them.
It's because I simply forget that I am a part of it. Mentally I hear my thoughts "Good for you" and I smile.
But still, I don't post.
Is it rude?
Should I feel obliged?
Do people think I don't care?
Have I become that antisocial?
Do people notice?
Do people care that I've not said anything?
Is this totally mad?
Am I just flattering myself..?
It's not only social networking either.
It's also within every day conversation.
I find myself watching the people I speak to, their mannerisms, their eyes, the way they breathe...
The conversation becomes less about what they are saying and much more about what they are not saying and I find it frustrating that I engage in so many insincere conversations with people because they are saying the opposite to what their body language is telling me!
So yet again, I lose track of the verbal and miss the cue for my line in the play.
I find the insincerity & facade of life boring, pointless effort & an unnecessary necessity.
Why does everybody do it?
Why do you all pretend?
Life and everybody in it has become one long, boring act that I cannot escape.
People are so predictable, it's pathetic.
You all play your parts so well and you never break character.
You poor creatures.
I love when somebody breaks the mold!
Spontaneous! Funny! Embarassing! Different!
But then it turns out that is their facade and it becomes all too transparent & needy...
Life is one long, boring act that I cannot escape.